Customized coaching programs
to support your unique needs.

Service Philosophy

1-on-1 Coaching

  • Tailored online or in-person coaching sessions designed to address your unique needs, such as leadership confidence, self-management, team dynamics, brand expansion, leadership mastery, talent development, project challenges, and more.

    My partnership in this transformative process helps to take you from where you are today, to where you want to be.

    The possibilities are endless, and so is your potential.

  • Each program is custom-tailored to your specific needs.

    Common client programs range from 3 months to 13 months based on your unique goals identified in our discovery call.

  • Confidential, safe, judgement-free environment where I challenge you, create new awareness, and uncover hurdles and blocks in the way from achieving your goals.

    Each session is your own, but most commonly, you can expect 60-minute sessions where we take your overall program goal then break it down into topics & bite-sized goals each time we meet. This format helps you work towards your ultimate desired outcome of the coaching program and ensures progress during and after each session.

Group & Team Coaching

  • These completely custom programs consider team size and dynamics to align organizational goals with team synergy & capability.

    Imagine amplifying cohesion, productivity, and employee satisfaction, while serving both collective and individual needs.

  • This “standalone” program is the foundation of my 1-on-1 coaching programs and is the ultimate self-awareness tool to understand the 2 core elements of self-awareness, Self Perception & External Perception.

    This unique approach gives us the opportunity to uncover your biggest growth points in relation to your short-term and long-term goals.

  • Self Perception

    How do the filters you’ve grown up with impact how you experience life, act, behave, feel, emote?

    Listed #3 in Forbes Top Assessments Every Executive (and Leader!) should take

  • External Perception

    • Find out how others perceive you

    • Understand what your leaders need from you in order to continue to move forward in your career

    • Learn what your peers, direct reports partners, clients, and other colleagues think about your professional/leadership capability

  • Break down results & understand how they show up in your life.

    Prioritize growth opportunities & set a course for action

Self-Awareness Accelerator

Are you curious about speaking engagements, corporate contracts, leadership development workshops, and more? Book a consultation with me so we can discuss a customized approach based on your needs.

Looking for something else?

Areas of Practice

I specialize in helping Millennials, Gen-Z, and their Leaders elevate their leadership skills and professional capabilities so they can lead effectively and authentically at work and at home.

For you, this can show up in…

Leadership Development

Leadership Skills | Effective & Influential Communication | Psychological Safety | Develop Effective Teams

Professional Confidence

Decision Making | Imposter Syndrome | Speaking | Meeting Preparation | Leadership Courage

Working Relationships

Conflict Resolution | Tough Leaders | Personality Styles |
Difficult Conversations | Team Cohesion

Work-Life Balance

Stress | Time Management | Authenticity |
Aligning Work with your Values

Your Growth

Emotional Intelligence | Self Awareness | Goal Setting |
Personal & Professional Brand | Career Advancement

and more…

Group Workshops | Wheel of Life | Success Coaching | Culture Building | Creating a Vision | and more…

Hear from my Clients…