Is leadership coaching
right for me?

Are you a leader with tight bandwidth wanting to provide better support to your team?

Do you lead younger generations in the workplace, and want to better understand their unique needs in order to motivate and drive productivity?

Are you Millennial or Gen-Z who want to enhance your professional and leadership capability so you can drive impact and get promoted?

Have you encountered challenging situations at work, and found it difficult to handle them effectively while preserving your professional image (ex. difficult relationships, projects, expertise)?

Do you struggle with emotional regulation under stress?

Do you lead projects, hold a position of influence, or shape workplace culture, and feel self-doubt in your effectiveness in these roles?

Do you struggle with career direction and the need to establish meaningful, values-aligned goals for your professional path?

If you feel like these questions resonate with you or are curious if I can help in other ways, book a discovery call, I can help!

What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

Coaching focuses on what we know today, and helps to make a plan to move forward. This includes action planning, next steps, life tools and resources, with a heavy emphasis on unblocking internal hurdles that help get someone on a path to achieving their goals (personal, professional, health, wellness, relationship, etc).

Therapy is awesome, however its a little different than coaching. Therapy tends to focus on understanding the past to inform us of why we are the way we are today. Therapy focuses on deep rooted issues, and usually includes help with mental and behavioral disorders, and more.

Coaching + therapy can work together cohesively for well-rounded support.

So you have a therapist? AWESOME! Here is how coaching fits in…

Your healing journey is important, and I want to help you to show up authentically in all parts of your life. When you are able to be authentic at work and at home, feelings of fulfillment in your career become a reality. You are the expert on your life, and I will help you use what you know to craft a path that feels successful for you.

Why don’t you post program pricing on the site?

While I do have a standard rate, all programs are customized based on individual needs. Book a consultation with me and we can customize the right program for you!

Do you do group coaching or workshops?

Absolutely. I can facilitate brand workshops, navigating relationship dynamics, and even customize a program based on your needs. Please book a discovery call so we can discuss further.

What if we want a corporate coaching contract?

Please book a discovery call to discuss corporate executive and leadership coaching contracts.

There’s a lot of types of coaches out there. How do I know I need a Leadership Coach?

If any of the questions above resonate with you, a Leadership Coach might be a good choice!

Coaching can be your secret weapon for growth, but knowing which type of coach you need is key. Lots of coaching types have overlap, but here's a quick guide to help you navigate the different coaching specialties:

Leadership Coach: Focuses on developing leadership skills, to inspire and influence others, while also leading yourself, helping you lead with confidence and authenticity. *Works with aspiring and current leaders. Example: A mid-level manager transitioning to an executive role.*

Career Coach: Helps you navigate your career path, from changing industries to finding your true calling. Often helps with interview preparation & resume support. *Perfect for job seekers and career changers. Example: A young professional unsure of their next career move.*

Life Coach: Covers a broad range of personal goals, from building self-confidence to achieving life balance, life transitions, and more. *Ideal for individuals seeking balance and fulfillment. Example: A professional seeking more fulfillment outside of work.*

Executive Coach: Tailored for executives, focusing on strategic decision-making, team dynamics, organizational effectiveness, and navigating corporate politics. *Example: A corporate VP looking to enhance their leadership impact.*

Business Coach: Focuses on helping entrepreneurs and business owners grow, streamline operations, and boost profitability. *Ideal for entrepreneurs and business owners. Example: A small business owner aiming to scale and increase revenue.

Mindset Coach: Works on shifting mental blocks like limiting beliefs, and cultivating a growth mindset to overcome challenges. Often included in Life Coaching *Ideal for anyone wanting to envision their potential. Example: An entrepreneur facing fear of failure.* Mindset coaching is often included in Leadership, Executive, and Life Coaching.